tale:net alpha 5

2018/02/07 | kathia

“Do not disturb, this identity is floating in the skilliverse!” says a sign above our heads :)

We’re working and experimenting with the skilliverse a lot – soldering is somehow connected to the skill nonviolent communication in our test network and we’re really excited to see how the skilliverse will evolve and influence the matching in the future!

In the upcoming tale:net alpha 6 you will be able to vote similarity between skills yourselves and see the similarities voted by other identities you are connected to. The similarity between skills will be reflected in the type ahead recommendations shown to you when you’re defining your skills or asking for skills on an idea in tale:net.

Perspectively we’ll implement a slider to control matching fuzziness in pull:ideas that will also be fed by the similarities set in your skilliverse.

So much in brief as we’re focused on polishing the voting mechanics in the skilliverse and also writing on a clear and positioning vision for tale:net. We recognized in a communication coaching last week that we didn’t publish a clear mission statement till now. This tale:vision will replace the existing about page on this website which is still a translated version of our Prototype Fund application.

Spread the word and join us with tale:net alpha 5 and never hesitate to ask for any help on social media or via contact@t4l3.net, share your feedback with us and report bugs here

Read you next week,

baldo (twitter & mastodon), cryptix (twitter), katze (twitter), luroc (twitter & fb) and staschek (fb), together with you creators of tale:net

What happened since tale:net alpha 4 - changelog:

  • selecting in skilliverse: clicking on a skill zooms in on it
  • we added the possibility to set up a separate network for testing purposes
  • text areas now have a right-click/context menu which enables copy&paste without keyboard shortcuts
  • fixed issue #4 flashing scrollbar
  • updated README: rearranged it a little to make it more approachable
  • enabled error dialogues to show up during initialisation; not showing the dialogue ended in being stuck on the loading screen infinitely
  • my:config now shows the version of the software at the bottom of the page

Less notable, nerdy internals:

  • argv in .electron/dev-runner enables using global sbot in development mode by running npm run dev – - g
  • strip hashbang for bable loader: some npm dependencies blocked us from making testnet work
  • fix a bug where two scrollbars were shown under some circumstances

For integrity sake, here are the alpha 4 sha256sums:

93f052f856fd41540c5a44a74d80a24b26a269df1b68972f8f270c0c1b50a1dd  talenet_0.9.0-alpha.5_amd64.deb
d4d1f5b3242ba26280d8814f10363e5ca0d4b13ed8074b57fc81e88a92d73885  talenet-0.9.0-alpha.5.dmg
c0069ed3964a3705f23659137998aa2e957a977df89c9919edbdc7affcfac323  talenet-0.9.0-alpha.5-x86_64.AppImage
7b12639a48b367c5b2045306649f3974413b7fc374b83a7ec9e92d09518bb39d  talenet-setup-0.9.0-alpha.5.exe